July 19, 2014

Top 10 things I learned becoming an ironman

10. "Anything is possible" - This is Ironman's catch phrase and it's a good one!  I genuinely believe this statement and tell my students this all the time. 

9. "You are stronger than you think" – This is one of Powerbar's slogans, and I like it.  You are strong.  Go do the things others say you can’t.
Thanks Coach Jim! (@RedPerfRaceTeam)

8. Trust your training and your coach - If you put in the time and followed the plan, you are ready!  Your coach believes in you.  You should believe in you!  

7. Set goals and work hard to meet them – Be sure to celebrate milestones and progress along the way.

World Toughest Half 2014

6. Learn to be flexible - Things don’t always go according to plan in triathlon and life.  How you deal with ups and downs makes all the difference. 

5.  Smile often!  A contagious smile makes everyone happy.  I received so many positive comments when I smiled my way through race day.  I figured, why would you do anything but smile when you’re allowed to play a sport all day?!?

Cold Start to a rough IMLT 2013

4.  Every experience is an opportunity to learn.  I have gained a wealth of information from this year of ironman training.  Although my Tahoe DNF was painful, it was one of the most incredible learning experiences I have ever had, and I am grateful for all I have learned about sports and myself.

Race Hard, Mermaid!

3. Don’t be afraid to unleash your inner awesomeness.   If you know you can do more to make the world a better place or achieve more in your daily pursuits, go for it. You will be happier once you do!

2.  "Show your winning attitude and always race (& train) with gratitude" (- my tweet, see #1).  Thank everyone who has helped you along your journey (from Mom driving you to practice as a kid to the race day volunteers you meet on course).  Be proud of how far you’ve come.  Respect everyone and everything around you.  Appreciate how fortunate you are to play a sport like triathlon.

Mermaid Alameda 2014

Mermaid Capitola 2013

1. Focus on the positive in racing & life… it's a better way to live.  Surround yourself with positive people and avoid dwelling on negativity, it will make a difference in all aspects of your life.  30 days from the IMCDA race, I started tweeting something positive/motivational each day.  This simple act, plus all the cheers and support I received from my positive circle of friends and family, really brightened my overall perspective on racing and life.  

Thank you all for helping me smile so brightly everyday!

 More posts to come about the awesome people who inspire me to always do my best!


  1. I'm a friend of Jen's and my husband's about to do IM Canada next weekend! Just wanted to congratulate you on your amazing race!! What an achievement!

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate your kind words and cheers. I hope your husband has an amazing day, and he enjoys his entire iron-experience. I know how much having fans on race day really helps and is so much appreciated - especially at ironman. Iron-spectating is just as hard as doing the race itself... and all those who have supported the crazy ironman athletes along their journey deserve medals (or some sort of useful gift) as well! Please pass on my best wishes to your husband for a great race, and I hope you all have a wonderful trip! Keep up the great work with everything you do! (I also found your blog through Jen and really enjoy reading it - I hope to catch up with you runners at a race or training run sometime soon too!).

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the kind words! Keep kicking butt out there on the trails!
